Hello, World of Comics & 2024!
The blog is back, people. After an (unintentionally) extended hiatus to upgrade the blog, I’m back live and re-branded as “GENO TALKS COMICS.” With that, however, comes one caveat: There are some features on this new site that I’m still working through. Before I get to what led me here, I want to start with some background info. Some of which will eventually land on the “About” page.
I won’t go too deep into it now, but my blogging journey has traveled across several sites. Most recently, I was using WordPress. The platform itself was fine and served me well. However, there was one aspect which didn’t: Storage. For anyone who’s followed my content through blogging, YouTube or social media, you’ll know I’m all in with photo galleries. That includes previews and reviews, comic cover art of the week and of course convention coverage, among other topics. And unfortunately, in that regard, WordPress could only stretch so far.
Enter Squarespace. A new look and official re-brand.
This is where I landed after some research. Its storage fits my needs. Which will open up a lot of content options and ideas I’ve had for some time. I no longer have to be concerned with how much space small sets of photos as well as larger galleries consume. Which means more pictures for all of you.
Another piece I’d gone back and forth about related to branding. I’d felt “GENO TALKS COMICS” was stronger than “GENO’S COMICS” for some time. It communicates what I’m doing more effectively. And I should’ve gone with it from the beginning. C’est la vie.
As stated though, I’m still working through a few of its features. My WordPress blog is still accessible, but all the content has been transferred here. One part I’m still working through is optimizing it all for Squarespace. Which I’m doing by working backwards. Learning experiences all around.
All that to say: I’m excited for the changes and what I plan to offer to the world of comics in 2024 and beyond. So let’s have some fun.