A Welcome and Re-introduction (of sorts)
Welcome. Or perhaps I should say welcome back for some of you. After a not-so-brief hiatus, I’m back blogging about all that fun involving comic books, action figures, video games, etc. If you’re new, those are some of the areas I cover along with the cultural aspects of each.
You’ve no doubt noticed I made the jump to WordPress. While I did enjoy aspects of Blogger, there were numerous issues with the platform. It was time for a change. However, my old blog will stay up and I’ll be bringing some content here. Mostly some of the comic and toy reviews.Besides the change in platform, I’m also using a different title to coincide with my YouTube channel. While I still think Comic Book Legends is a good name and worked well over there, it only encapsulates a portion of the subject matter I discuss.
To offer some transparency, I struggled early on with regards to how I wanted the blog to be viewed. I was going for a site/blog hybrid. And then I added YouTube to the mix. But that’s no longer an issue.The only impact I foresee this having on my YouTube channel is a positive one. I hope this makes it easier for people to identify me and my content. This will also be better for me to run the content alongside each other. All this is in effort to fully embrace blogging and providing content from an independent source people in these communities can trust and depend on.
For any comments, questions or other inquiries, my name is uniform across most platforms I use. This includes my new e-mail: GENOthaDRAGON@gmail.com. If you’re with a company I’ve had contact with, the e-mail address you have for me is still active. So I can still be reached there. If we haven’t connected before, please feel free to add my info to your contact list and don’t hesitate to reach out. Chances are, I’ll be contacting you in the near future.If you happened across any of my content in either written or video form, I thank you. For the new folks, I’m glad you’ve found this and hope you stick around.-Geno